【同义词辨析】 2018-02-07 考虑consider-weigh

consider: sug. giving thought to in order to reach a suitable conclusion, opinion or judgement: refused even to ~ my proposal.

study: implies sustained purposeful concentration and attention that will reveal details and minutiAE: ~ the budget before making sweeping cuts.

contemplate: stresses focusing of one's thought on sth, oft. WITHOUT indication of purpose or result: ~ the consequence of such a decision.

weigh: implies making of an attempt to reach the truth or arrive at a decision by balancing conflicting claims and evidence: ~ the pro and con of the project.

consider: 泛指考虑==>合适的结论意见, study研究: 长期专注==>发掘细节, contemplate: 强调专心思考,通常不涉及目标结果, weigh衡量: 努力平衡互相冲突的主张、证据。

记忆方法: 1) CSCW==>ChangChangWanShang常常晚上考虑问题。

         2) 考虑的意思是思考以长知识下判断作决定mean to think about in order to increase one's knowledge or to arrive at a judgment or decision.